ceturtdiena, 2010. gada 20. maijs

Ar putniem.../With birds...

Sen senos laikos jebshu 2009.gada augusta beigas dalijos Minhauzena deku cieniga piedzivojuma, shodien, izmantojot saules pildito novakari, devos izlukot - vai dzirnavas vel vieta. Tada nu bija ideja, bet izpildijums izvertas gluzi savadaks. Jauns piedzivojums mana sajutu un atminu kratuve. Shoreiz (vai jau atkal) par putniem.
Once upon a time or in the late August 2009, I shared with Munchausen's adventure worth story. Today, using the sun filled evening, I went to check - is the windmill still on the place. That was the idea, but the performance and the result turned quite different. I had a new adventure to keep in my memories. This time (or again) about birds.

Toreiz, talaja augusta sesdiena, brauciena viduci paliku ar sturi rokas un lidz liel-bosa saslavetajam putnu rezervatam fjorda krastos ta ari netiku. Shoreiz kolega laipni aprikotais (un mans iecienitakais) braucamriks nepievila (gardi nosmaidiju, slaiki paminoties garam vietai, kur toreiz ta ari paliku). Vildtreservat ka no bilzu gramatas ar diviem putnu verotajiem komplekta, isa saruna atklajas - petot tos mazakos no lidoniem. Ehh, butu man tadi stroki, tadas putnu gramatas ka viniem, jo tur tiesham ir ko redzet, un zinashanas piedevam! Patikt jau var, bet aprakstit un skaidri pateikt, kadus lidojoshos brinumus redzeju, diemzel nevaru. Nu labi, gulbji tur noteikti bija... Bet ir laba zina! Ja interesents (lasit: Arta) nav pienacigi aprikots ar visu iepriekshmineto, fjorda mala skaisti ierikots noveroshanas punkts ar jaudigu okularu un tur sastopamo putnu sugu profiliem danu valoda.
Back then, in August 2009, on Saturday's afternoon, I stopped my journey with the handlebar in my arms, and it was a reason, why I didn't manage to reach the bird reservation on the shore of the fjord. This time, colleague kindly equipped (and my favorite) bike didn't fail (I tasty smiled, while crossing the place where I remained that time). Vildtreservat is just alike from picture books, even with two bird watchers. After short conversation, I figured out - they were studying the smallest of the flier. Ehh, I would like to have cameras, bird books and knowledge that they had, because there really were things to see! But for me it's hard to clearly describe and to tell, what kind of flying miracles I saw, in fact, unfortunately, I can't. Well, there were swans, certainly ... And there are good news! If interested (read: Arta) are not properly equipped with all mentioned before, the edge of fjord is beautifully arranged with watching point with a powerful eyepiece and profiles of bird species in Danish.

Kad atstaju verotajus aiz muguras un pa asfalteto laipu devos talak, par galvu parlidoja kads cits, man pazistams lidonis - lidmashina. Tik tuvu, ka pat shkita pasazieru sejas pavidam. Un es ta aizdomajos, cik lieliski - viena vieta vienlaicigi visus lidojoshos tuvplana ieraudzit. Un ka tas ir - vai tuvuma esosha militara un civila lidosta shai putnu viesnicai un daudzbalsu orkestrim nemaz nekaite...
When the watchers were left behind, and I continued my way along asphalted pathway. Suddenly, over my head flew a flier I recognized immidiately - the airplane. It was so close that I thought, I can see even passengers inside. And isn't it great - in one place simultaneously to see all the flying so close-up. And also, don't the military and civilian airports, located not so far, harm those bird hotels and orchestra here...

Lai gan no sabiedriska un sociala viedokla mana rezidence ir un paliek lauki, noklustot uz vietejas nozimes asfaltetajiem celiem, shkiet, ka tieshi tur visa man nepiecieshama sabiedriba ari mitinas. Viss procesa, pa kreisi un pa labi - zied rapshu lauki, zalo pirms tam smakojoshie labibas klajumi, un daba visa dziviba - strada. Pie meza zali grauzh zaku berni, pec parsimts metriem - citus mazos grauzejus tramda vanags, bet es - tik minos, neprotot palikt uz vietas un ieklauties...
Though from the gregarious and social point of view, my apartment is and remains in the countryside. But after getting on the local roads, it seems that there are hosted all society I need. Everything are in the process, on my left and on my right - flowering rapeseed fields, the green, before badly smelling, grain fields, and all nature - is working. Just next to the forest hare kids are eating grass, after a couple of hundred meters - hawk is chasing other small rodents, but me... I'm just riding, without ideas, how to stop and to remain...

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